Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

menjadi jurnalis itu menyenangkan

Gedung Soemardjito, Purwokerto pada bulan Mei.

seperti judul di atas, menjadi jurnalis itu menyenangkan. judul sederhana yang membawa pengalaman luar biasa. ya, menyenangkan! menjadi jurnalis membuka peluang untuk bertemu dengan orang-orang luar biasa. seperti idola di atas, kita bisa mendapatkan pengalaman langsung, cerita kehidupan mereka, perjalanan dari zero to hero. dari sanalah kita menuliskan cerita itu dan menyebarkannya. sebagai seorang jurnalis kita akan diberikan hak ekslusif kejurnalistikan, mendapatkan press card yang aku sendiri lebih menyebutnya dengan kata "kartu lolos tiket konser".
aku tertarik pada dunia tulis menulis sejak di bangku SMA, ketika bertemu dengan Forum Lingkar Pena Solo, Mba Afifah Afra, Mas Furqon, Mas Aries Adenata, dan pengalaman langsung sebagai moderator acara Stratik (Studi dan Training Jurnalistik) bersama Joni Ariadenata. sejak saat itulah minat menulis saya timbul dan berkembang. sekarang saya seorang jurnalis majalah kampus VOSEF (English Magazine) yang sedang haus memburu berita.
kini, terinspirasi teman saya...kini saya sedang berniat membuat bulletin online bernama NANKURUNAISA yang insya allah terbit pada tanggal 5 Juni 2011. semoga diberi kemudahan dalam proses pembuatannya. Amien ....
glavator "the pearl of life"

Senin, 14 Juni 2010

The First Folklore

(A Village in Rawalo, Banyumas, Central Java)

Retold by Muhammad Zainul Wafa

Many years ago, there was a small kingdom. The king of that kingdom likes collecting unusual things. He had collected many kinds of unusual things such as four legs chicken, antique glass and others. One day, the king heard that the villagers ever had seen a golden deer with four horns in the forest. After the king heard the issue about a golden deer with four horns in the forest, he want to make the golden deer became his own.
“It would be wonderful day to have an animal with golden fur.” thought the king.
Then the king called a servant and asked him to announce that the king would conduct a prize contest. The servant went to the village as soon as possible to announce the prize contest news. The king would give a big prize to every villager who could catch the golden deer in forest.
The villagers seem very enthusiastic with the prize contest. After that a big number of groups went to the forest. They cut all the trees in front of them to clear their view, burned the trees to force the golden deer came out even kill their friend who block their effort to catch the golden deer away. The prize had blinded their eyes. But, no one saw the golden deer in the forest. The villagers felt that their effort were senseless and claimed that the king had lied who caused many victims. The king very disappointed when knew that there was no golden deer in the forest and the villagers were angry with him. The villagers wouldn’t trust the king anymore.
In the cave that located in the forest, there was a man named kaki (an appellation for the old man) Sida who woke up from his asceticism. He heard the price contest announcement but he didn’t know the meaning of the prize contest itself. All the things that he knew was the king need the golden deer. Even though he didn’t know what the golden deer for.
He went to the forest and saw the golden deer in front of him. Before kaki Sida caught it, the golden deer was getting closer with him. The golden deer was very tame with kaki Sida. Then, he brought it to the palace. The villagers were very amazed with golden deer that was brought by kaki Sida. The king was very glad to meet kaki Sida who had brought the animal that he dream of. The king would fulfil his promise who wants to give a big prize to kaki Sida. When the king would give the prize toward kaki Sida, he regard as the king want to punish him. So, kaki Sida ran away and never came back. The king was very sad and hopes that kaki Sida came back. Finally to fulfil his promise, the king named the village with Sidamulih. “Sida” was the name of kaki Sida and “mulih” means come back or return. Although he had fulfilled his promise, he still hopes that kaki Sida would return someday.

In this story we learn that we have to do everything honestly and straightforward. The villagers can’t achieve their purpose (get the prize) because there is no honest at all in their heart. They merely think about prize although they have to sacrifice their friend, environment and so on so far. But different with kaki Sida that wants to help the king to get the golden deer honestly. His name become immortal in this village, and everyone will memorize his life.

Selasa, 13 April 2010


Blog ini dibuat untuk mengenang memory yang tak akan pernah mati. . .
Kawan. . .
Mari kita hidupkan blog ini. . .
Sebagai pusat informasi
kita tempel berbagai informasi. . .
Dan berita dari para alumni glavator. . .

Senin, 14 September 2009